Cash payments
Please note that Goodman Fine Art does not, under any circumstances, accept cash payments.
Fifth EU Money Laundering Directive
Please see our terms and conditions and please note that all sales are subject to the requirements of this directive being met.
Description of works and authenticity
While diligence is taken in the preparation of the description of works, we cannot be held responsible for manifest errors and the commentaries on artworks are the opinion of the author and are subjective as to artistic merit and investment potential.
Goodman Fine Art Limited do not give invesment or financial advice and you are advised to take independent advice where you feel appropriate; opinions as to likely market values are our belief and are not in any way guaranteed or to be used as reason for buying from us.
Should an object sold prove to be fake, Goodman Fine Art will refund a client's money as soon as reasonably possible, provided that the client provides a written opinion from an acknowledged expert on the artist/sculptor within a month of purchase or within a month of doubt being expressed by an acknowledged expert, subject to a limit in time in all cases of one year from the purchase date.
All prices are plus ARR, where applicable, regardless of whether this is stated.
Ownership of works
When works are sold on consignment , Goodman Fine Art obtains a written representation from the vendor that they are legal owner. When executing a consignment, we are acting as agents for the vendor and shall not be liable for any defect in title, but will, of course, do all we reasonably can to help resolve the matter.
Availability of works
Please note that all works are offered subject to availability and we reserve the right to offer works to more than one potential customer, unless a work has been reserved.
Prices of works
Prices given in writing will be held , unless there is a blatant error, for three days, after which such offers will terminate.
Should anyone have information on the identity of photographer's photographs used herein, please notify us. Should you be an artist or photographer who wishes to have their image/work removed, this will be done immediately upon notification to us by email. Images are not for resale and are used for educational purposes only.